Schema Browsing
I want to tell you about the Schema Browser. This is a great feature for those of you who work with objects you don't own. So for example, if you have access to run queries or update tables that have been created by another schema, in all releases, including SQL Developer 3.0, the way to review these tables is either through the Other Users node or by creating synonyms for the tables and then having the tables displayed via the synonyms in your own connection. So it's a little fiddly. In SQL Developer 3.0, we have added in a new schema browser. To find it, select a connections, right-click to invoke the context menu and select Schema Browser. This opens a new navigator for that schema. Now you can do a number of things.
Firstly, select the schema you want to work with. This is equivalent to finding the user in the Other Users node. Then you can select the object-type you want to work with. Let's say, for arguments sake, that you select tables - You can filter the tables listed. The filter option is the same filter dialog you can use to filter any of the nodes in the Connections navigator.

There is another filter - it's a client-side filter - and this allows you to quickly filter objects in the already filtered list. In my example, I have a number of tables in the filtered list, and then I have reduced the list further by using the extra client-side filtering.
Try it out.
Really this is a nice feature and a much wanted one in SQL developer.
Also once you doulbe click on the object , it opens up in the right side with all options from viewing columns to constraints to scripts.
And Easy to use.
I'm afraid I can't get this to work. I have followed you instructions but I don't see "Schema Browser", and nothing comes up in help when I type this phrase. You said ....
To find it, select a connections, right-click to invoke the context menu and select Schema Browser.
Where is "a connections". The tab, the symbol ("+") or an existing connection.
Version 3.0.02
Build MAIN-02.37 on XP.
Please use the SQL Developer forum for queries:
If you open SQL Developer and expand your connections node, you need to select any connection you have created, open the connection, and then right-click on the connection to see Schema Browser menu option.
Is SQL Developer 3.0 able to handle/show of OPAQUE objects w descriptions or REFCURSOR Objects for that matter ?
Also what Hot keys are used for Skipping line executions while debugging if it is at all possible and if next statement facility is available ?
Anil Bishnoie
Please use the SQL Developer forum for queries: as this benefits all users of SQL Developer.
Lovely feature.
Only thing missing that I can see is a database change. "GRANT DESCRIBE ON object|schema TO user|role" would be useful for those who need to see the object definition but not be granted SELECT or other access to view the data or execute the actual code.
(An enhancement request is created at the SQLDev site, but I fear it's asking much since that needs a kernel change.)
Can you view multiple schema's; similar to TOAD I guess where I can keep more than one open & pop back n forth between them
Can the schema browser allow you to view multiple schema's at the same time. Basically allow mulitple windows similar to how TOAD functions?
I longer work with this technology stack, so you're best asking on the OTN forums where you can get up to date help on the latest features.
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