...BUT...BUT ...No-one seemed to have heard of this site: http://sqldeveloper.oracle.com
That site is SQL Developer Exchange!
Now you might have a few regular URLS at your fingertips... www.oracle.com, technet.oracle.com, or even google.com and asktom.oracle.com
From http://sqldeveloper.oracle.com you can add your own feature requests. Admittedly, for a while it was difficult to find out if something had already been requested, or to see if we had even looked at your requests. Now we have updated and tweaked the feature area a touch. The more we use it, then more we see there are more things we could do. However, you can now sort on last updated, date created and search. You can see if a feature has made it into 1.1 or is still on a list for a future release.

Please keep adding requests. What more is there to say. Requests may be little or large, we'll update the site with feedback and, who knows, your request might make it into a release sooner than you think. If you don't tell us, we don't know.
The main page for http://sqldeveloper.oracle.com has a link to the forums and the main OTN page for SQL Developer. It allows you to see snippets other folk find useful and there are a few hints and tips too.

Make http://sqldeveloper.oracle.com work for you...
May I ask what exactly does it contain except two links to the home page and the forum? I've noticed nothing more than this plus links to your blogs (to be fair - some tips included, very useful, thanks)
You should see a Feature Requests node to the left and that's where folk are adding requests for future releases.
Can I still vote? I can't find it.
Sure you can still add and vote for features. On the left hand side of the Exchange (http://sqldeveloper.oracle.com/)
you'll see a link called Feature Requests. Click that and do a search for features you are hoping will be added and add a comment and a rating to vote for them.
If they are not there, you can add a new feature request yourself.
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