Did you know you can build a gauge into a report or a data grid query in SQL Developer 1.5? Take a look at this quick demo. Below is a preview screen shot.

This blog is mostly about Oracle development tools; the early posts are about Oracle SQL Developer and SQL Developer Data Modeler written as product manager for these products. There are also the occasional forays into travel, conferences and a few mentions of the Delhi missions done. In 2011 I left Oracle, spent a few more years in IT and then switched completely. I’m now a full time picture framer. The blog remains, with no updates, in case there is still something of interest here.
The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not reflect the views of Oracle or Microgen.
Hi !
Is there a place where you can see what SQL DEV extras you can specify in the SELECT statement (csv, seldev:gague, etc)?
best regards
We don't have a specific list.I'll see if we can sort out something like that. There are very few as most of the commands are just SQL, SQL*Plus and PL/SQL commands in the worksheet, as you'd expect in SQL*Plus.
Would be nice with a list, since most of us dont use sql*plus anymore, but toad or toad look alikes - and of course SQL Developer :-)
Is it possible to control the colours used for the sections of a guage provided by SQLDEV:GUAGE:min:max:low:hi - I really would like to be able to create a graduated scale from light blue (frosty) to amber progressing through to red.
No chance we can specify low color:med color:high color parameter details ?
Hi Sue, first of all congratulations for your blog. It is very helpful.
The gauges are great but how can I show them to my boss or to my customer ?
I tried to export as HTML but SQLDev assembles just SQLDEV:GAUGE string instead of the graphic.
Do you suggest any tip or tool to do that?
Josir Gomes
The Gauge is just that, a SQL String. We don't provide more functionality for these at this stage.
Why not have SQL Dev on a memory stick and take that to your customer? That way you can show more than just the gauge. Lots of our consultants use SQL Developer on a stick and don't worry with installing it on the machine.
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